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Saturday, January 14, 2012


With all the Tim Tebow talk, I was reminded of a picture that I took last year. There are times where many of us (me included) complain about something that we have or don't have, my house is too small, I need a bigger car, I hate my job, I wish I could win the lottery, etc, etc.... All I can say is trust in God and he will take care of you.   Below is the picture that I took last year.  I was pulling up to the drive thru at a Subway restraunt.  As I waited impatiently for the driver in front of me to order, (what seemed like the entire restraunt) I looked to my right and saw this man.  He looked dirty.  He had a bag filled with who knows what.  He looked like a homeless person.  What caught my eye was what he was reading, ..... the Bible.  Just when you think you have it bad, there are others that are worse.  I am not judging, because I have no idea if this man was indeed homeless.  Let's assume he was a homeless person,  just looking at him reading God's word in public like that made me realize how much I really do have and that I should be thankful everyday.  When you think you have reached the end, keep the faith my friend.   Trust in Jesus, he will never leave you.   Matthew 6:26 says "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"  

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