Welcome to my Blog!

Feel free to look around and comment :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I have an open Saturday in November, so I guess that will be the Christmas mini session day!! yay!!   It's 2 days after Thanksgiving. Normal session rules apply to the mini sessions.
Mini session fee must be paid in full to secure your time slot. Email me to book your spot.  One day only!


I had a great time at the park with little Jillian. :)

Friday, November 2, 2012


I had a wonderful time photographing Heather, Mark, Brody and Charlei at Georeg Steinbrenner field today :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Click on the images to make them bigger :)

For an application, click HERE and HERE

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Distraction lens toys are good for getting the attention of little one while photographing them. 
Here is a little tutorial on how to make your own lens distraction toys. 
I was looking around for something to get little kids attention so they can look at the camera during a shoot.   I found something similar to put around your lens, but since I need more than one, I thought it would be more economical for me to make my own.   I went to the Dollar Tree and found these bath sponges for kids.
Remove the sponge part.  The toy just slides right out of the sponge.
Here are the other materials you will need.
Measure the elastic around your lens and cut it to size.
You will need 2 strips of fabric double the length of the elastic.
Hot glue gun.
For this part, you can use a sewing machine to stitch, but I'm too lazy to pull my machine out so I used hot glue.   Place a line of glue on the right part of your fabric and fold the other piece over to form a long tube.  

Turn the fabric tube inside out and now you should have the right part of the fabric showing.
Thread your elastic through the fabric tube and glue the ends together.  Fold one end of your fabric into the other and glue to seal the ends up.  You can also use a Scrunchi, but I couldn't find any at the Dollar Tree.

Snip the strings of the toy and glue them in place on to the fabric ring (Scrunchi)
and VOILA!!!!  I have 2 distraction toys for a WHOPPING $2.00!!!
I will use them at my next session and will let you know if they worked!
Enjoy this Tutorial.  Feel free to share, but do not claim as your own.
©Heaven Sent Photography
If you make one, please share it on my wall.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012



I attended a child's funeral in June and all I thought about was the pain that the parent's must be feeling. At that moment, I just wanted to love, cuddle and hug with my 3 wonderful kiddos. Life is short and when you are gone, the only thing left of you are your photographs. Memories of that short time you were with us on earth. It is so important to take lots and lots of photos of you and your loved ones because you just never know when your time will come. Sometimes it's hard to have all family members in a photo because one of them is usually behind the camera so this is why I am going to give away a session to someone who has NOT had their photos taken with me (new client).
The 2nd session will be won by who ever refers the most local fans to me. Non-local fans will not count, sorry:(
I will give that session away when I reach 1000 fans on Facebook (that shouldn't be hard to do) :)

To enter for the session giveaway, all you have to do is use the entry form below.

So to recap, I will be giving away 2 free 20 minute sessions at a location of your choice (within 10 miles of 33781) The first session can won by someone that has NOT yet had pictures done with me. The 2nd session can be won by who ever refers the most local fans. (clients or not)
Both contests are going on at the same time so refer your local friends and make sure they leave a comment about who sent them. Good luck and God bless!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, May 21, 2012


I have heard many good things about Thumtack.com that I finally decided to sign up and see for myself. check them out!  So far so good!  Check out my Family Photography listing on Thumbtack.com!

How to stretch your background

I use PSE9 to edit.
Open you image and select the area you want to stretch with your Rectangular Marquee Tool.

Then you select your Move Tool and click once in the selected area.
Then simply just place your mouse over the little middle box tot he right (until you get a double sided arrow) and drag it until you fill your background.  Click on the green check mark on the bottom and repeat on the other side.

That's it!  If you have any questions, feel free to email me at heavensent_photo@yahoo.com  :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Here is the beautiful and lovely Makayla. 
Congrats on your special day!  :)

I love this one :)

Angie's 1st Communion Portraits

I had the priviledge of doing the portraits for little Angie who will be receiving her first Holy Communion next weekend.  :)

and my Fav!

Saturday, March 31, 2012


God has blessed me tremendously, so it's time to give back!

All you have to do is email me your worst family picture!

Pictures must be emailed to me by April 7th.
Send your photos to heavensent_photo@yahoo.com

I will post all the photos on my Facebook fan page sometime after the 7th and will be up for one week for voting.

For your chance to win, have your family and friends vote for your photo by "liking" it.
Non-liker or non-fans entries/votes will not count :(

Please, no cheating.  If I find out you are cheating by using one of those voting programs, you will be disqualified!  No if and or but.

Contest ends April 14th and winners will be emailed and  announced shortly after that.

There will be 2 winners!  
1st winner will be the photo with the most likes. 
The 2nd winner will be picked by my daughter Vanessa :)

Mini session rules apply to the free sessions. 
See website for details.

Fine print
This contest is not affliated with Facebook.
Winners have 60 days from announcement to use their free session.  Free session is void after 60 days.

Good luck and God bless!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Playing with it to see if it will work for me.  So far, I think I like it !:) 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Apparently, this is the "slow" time for photographers.  Lately I've been going through photo shoot withdraw so I figured since my little man just turned 11 months, why not do a shoot with him right??? It's not so easy shooting your own kiddos LOL!!!  Anyhoot, here are some from his mini session today :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Here is my attempt at a family pic.  After what seemed like a million shots, I finally have one worth printing LOL!! :)

She made me a Mom for the 1st time.  I ♥ her :)

And my little man.  ♥ him too!!

And this is what I get when she refuses to spit her gum out and I ask her to smile LOL!!! ♥ her too!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


With all the Tim Tebow talk, I was reminded of a picture that I took last year. There are times where many of us (me included) complain about something that we have or don't have, my house is too small, I need a bigger car, I hate my job, I wish I could win the lottery, etc, etc.... All I can say is trust in God and he will take care of you.   Below is the picture that I took last year.  I was pulling up to the drive thru at a Subway restraunt.  As I waited impatiently for the driver in front of me to order, (what seemed like the entire restraunt) I looked to my right and saw this man.  He looked dirty.  He had a bag filled with who knows what.  He looked like a homeless person.  What caught my eye was what he was reading, ..... the Bible.  Just when you think you have it bad, there are others that are worse.  I am not judging, because I have no idea if this man was indeed homeless.  Let's assume he was a homeless person,  just looking at him reading God's word in public like that made me realize how much I really do have and that I should be thankful everyday.  When you think you have reached the end, keep the faith my friend.   Trust in Jesus, he will never leave you.   Matthew 6:26 says "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"  

Saturday, January 7, 2012