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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


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Saturday, September 1, 2012


Distraction lens toys are good for getting the attention of little one while photographing them. 
Here is a little tutorial on how to make your own lens distraction toys. 
I was looking around for something to get little kids attention so they can look at the camera during a shoot.   I found something similar to put around your lens, but since I need more than one, I thought it would be more economical for me to make my own.   I went to the Dollar Tree and found these bath sponges for kids.
Remove the sponge part.  The toy just slides right out of the sponge.
Here are the other materials you will need.
Measure the elastic around your lens and cut it to size.
You will need 2 strips of fabric double the length of the elastic.
Hot glue gun.
For this part, you can use a sewing machine to stitch, but I'm too lazy to pull my machine out so I used hot glue.   Place a line of glue on the right part of your fabric and fold the other piece over to form a long tube.  

Turn the fabric tube inside out and now you should have the right part of the fabric showing.
Thread your elastic through the fabric tube and glue the ends together.  Fold one end of your fabric into the other and glue to seal the ends up.  You can also use a Scrunchi, but I couldn't find any at the Dollar Tree.

Snip the strings of the toy and glue them in place on to the fabric ring (Scrunchi)
and VOILA!!!!  I have 2 distraction toys for a WHOPPING $2.00!!!
I will use them at my next session and will let you know if they worked!
Enjoy this Tutorial.  Feel free to share, but do not claim as your own.
©Heaven Sent Photography
If you make one, please share it on my wall.